Saturday, June 30, 2012


Annelee is in that phase that I remember well (but not fondly) from Vivian ... the one where she wants to see the photos on the camera display before I've had a chance to take them, and where she won't step back and let me take one real quick.  Vivian is in a phase where she turns around, looks down or pulls faces whenever I want to take her photo.  Or I'm just really getting very bad at taking photos of the two of them.  I did catch a few today though.  Yay!

Grosspapa especially would have appreciated their penchant for wearing hats!

Ready for Ascot

And where did this big girl suddenly come from?

Both together in the same picture ... bonus!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Curly Head

Annelee likes lounging on that seat.  And I love how you can see her curls in this photo.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pride Parade 2012

Just like last year, we once again joined our church and many other people for the Pittsburgh Pride Parade. 

Vivian's focus last year was all on the beautiful dresses (I want to be her ... and her ... and her ...).  Of course, all those beautiful women she pointed out weren't actually womean ... minor detail ;)

This year, she was all about the things she found on the street.  Bits of feathers from boas, bead necklaces, paper streamers.  I'm curious to see what will tickle her fancy next year.

We took the train "dahntahn" and then joined the marchers that were lining up.  Actually, we hovered in the shade as much as we could, because it was most definitely too hot for this.  Annelee spent most of the march in her stroller wondering why on earth we had taken her down there.  Vivian was happy finding things.  Will and I enjoyed the scenery and atmosphere, but wished it was cooler.

After the parade, we rode the T to Station Square, had a late lunch at Bar Louie and then headed home.  We got home shortly before 4pm, Annelee had yet to nap, so we stuck her in bed, Will went to lie down, I curled up on the couch and initially, Vivian was bouncing around the living-room, but she, too, curled up with me pretty soon and we all napped until about 5.30pm.  What a nice lazy afternoon after the busy start to the day.

An inauspicious start

At least one of them was happy

My favorite of the day, Will and Vivian dancing and twirling in the street

Some things just don't change ...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Out Of Paper ... Again

A while back, I posted this post about Vivian.  Apparently, it's something every child does at least once.  Or something I document once per child ...