Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Picnic on the Deck

We are taking full advantage of the unseasonally warm weather.  When we got home from Gymkhana yesterday, Vivian asked when we could have a picnic in the front yard.  Since the grass was still damp, we decided to have one on the deck instead.  It was fun, and so easy to do.  We really should do this more often (I think I say that every time we do have a picnic at home :)  ).

Side note:  I am positive I used to sit like that as a kid, too.  Now, it just looks painful to me.  I guess that means I'm old?  ;)

Vivian refuses to let me snap a candid or smile for a posed shot these days ...

I think they both enjoyed using the fondue plates for the different things we had for lunch

Dipping carrots in hummus and licking them off won hands down with Annelee

Saturday, March 17, 2012


A post is overdue.  I have a couple brewing but don't seem to get around to actually download and edit the pictures and then get it all up on the treehouse.  Maybe in the next few days.  In the meantime, here are some random shots from my phone from the last week or so.

At the playground

Playing "Night Night" is her absolute favorite thing

Her doggie almost looks real, doesn't it. 

Warm weather has finally arrived, and with it, the chairs have reappeared in the front yard

For a little while, Annelee insisted on carrying the garden gnome everywhere

Water?  Who needs water when you have a bunch of stuffed animals ...