With a week of work from home already completed, Vivian and I were visiting Will in the office after a play date on Monday when ... my waters broke ... in the office. ARGH!
I dragged Vivian to the bathroom and did damage-control with one of Vivian's diapers while Vivian was watching and loudly and repeatedly asked "Mommy, what are you doing with my diaper? That's MY DIAPER!!!!!" I'm sure that left the women in the other stalls puzzling what on earth was going on in my stall! :)
Next, we picked Will up from his desk and headed home to get Vivian taken care of and then drive to the hospital.
Before we departed for the hospital, however, I made Will take a few of those belly-shots that I had been meaning to have him do for a couple of weeks. Talk about last minute! So, this is what I looked like on my last day of pregnancy:

And about 8 hrs and a c-section later, I was holding this in my arms:

Welcome to our family, Annelee Sophia!
She's just beautiful, Franziska! So happy for you all!