Thursday, December 8, 2011


Annelee sometimes cracks us up.  For weeks now, she's been sort of "hopping" instead of crawling, and Will has been trying to capture it on video for about as long.  Finally, I managed to catch her in the act instead, and I was planning on making it a surprise post for him on the blog, but before I had a chance, he had already noticed that I had uploaded the video on youtube.  Oh, well,  I think he is equally pleased that I managed to get this on video, and annoyed that I beat him to it.

Here is our little hopping girl:

If you can't see the video above, click here.

Of course, Will got his sweet revenge today by capturing this video which I think is at least as funny ...

If you can't see the video above, click here.

Sorry, Anne, I know that this is a post where you can't see anything ... I'll get back to photos, soon, I promise!