Thanksgiving was off to an inauspicious start when Vivian started to projectile-vomit during the night from Wednesday to Thursday. And continued to vomit several times more. Luckily, once she got whatever it was out of her system, she fell asleep and all was good. She was a little tired on Thanksgiving day, but other than that, absolutely fine. It did mean Vivian got to lounge about in everything cozy and comfy, AND she got to keep her binky all day. What you can't really see in the photo is that her socks have polka-dots, just to round out the collection of patterns and colors.

The rest of the weekend was absolutely lovely.
Aunt Casey and Uncle Ernie came, and brought Grandma with them. They arrived Wednesday afternoon, and proceeded to spoil Vivian the way only aunts, uncles, and grandparents can.

Will cooked a fantabulous Thanksgiving dinner which we are continuing to enjoy as different left-over variations as I'm typing this.

On Friday, Casey, Ernie, Vivian and I headed out to the Science Center to see the huge model train landscape and the robot exhibit. Lots of fun. Until we got back to the car and realized that I had locked my keys inside. Oops. Will came to our rescue with a set of spare keys!

Saturday morning, we all headed out for breakfast and then our visitors took their leave and started their journeys home to Virginia and Maryland.
I had the following conversation with Vivian at random points during the day:
Vee: Grandma?
Me: She went home.
Vee: Casey?
Me: Casey went home, too.
Vee: Ernie?
Me: Ernie also went home. They all went home.
Clearly, Vivian enjoyed her visitors and misses them already! We do, too. Thanks for coming to Pittsburgh!